Friday, September 05, 2008

6th grade lesson for the GOP

When I was in 6th grade I was Campaign Manager for a girl named Peg, who was running for Student Body President.

I proudly made and distributed posters that said extremely clever things like:

"The best vote is Peg. I'm not pulling your leg."

Before the campaign ever got into full swing, our Principal Mr. Smith sat us all down and told us that we were never allowed to say negative things about our opponents. Though this seemed obvious to me at 11 years old, Mr. Smith felt the need to drive the point home.

"If you do that, it is not at all honorable. It is what we call 'dirty politics'".

After watching the Republican Convention on my laptop the other night, I had the urge to get out some soap and water and give my monitor a thorough scrub down.


At 7:10 AM, Blogger Melody said...

My brother helped me make my campaign posters in highschool. Our favorite was this one: Blood, Sweat, Tears...If it takes it, I'll give it.

At 7:56 AM, Blogger Dakota House said...

um. melody. that doesn't RHYME.


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