Sunday, March 27, 2005

Expressions of Gratitude

This morning during our church service, round about the third chorus of 'Crown Him With Many Crowns,' I found my mind wandering. I was thinking of Mel, and wondering if she was enjoying Easter in the snow with her friends. And I was thinking of Debbie, and how hard Easter Sunday is for her sometimes, and George and his family saying "He Is Risen Indeed" all together at the table. And I thought about how Carlton was with his dad for the first time last Easter, and now his dad is with Jesus. And so on and so on. Perhaps many of you feel as though you are with family when you are at church. Lucky. I don't have that yet. Yes we are all in the body and all that... But really the people I love and pray with and laugh with are the people I want to be with on this day. So there you have it. I had a good day but you were all in my heart and I wrote every one of your names in my journal when I was supposed to be listening to the 'Special Music' and the "Expressions of Gratitude.' And tonight, after the big Easter extravaganza is over, I am expressing gratitude for the victory of Jesus rising from the dead, and for you.


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