Friday, April 15, 2005

the profound things i learn in movies

ok, here it is, i am going to talk about a movie dave and i watched the other night, without really mentioning which movie it is, because i don't want to really recommend it, it was billed as a comedy but was more of a drama, and some of the things weren't the kinds of things i would suggest to you all. that being said, this movie affected me in such a deep way, in fact dave and i stayed up until 5am discussing things from it and how it related to us and our kids and all of that, it was one of the perfect nights i have had in my life. this movie had really complex characters in it. a psychotic mother who was obsessed with her looks and happened to have a daughter who was a little overweight, there was a scene where the mom comes in with bags and bags of new clothes for the daughter, and the daughter is so excited, because she is wealthy and knows that they are great clothes, one by one the girl pulls items out of the bags, and soon she starts looking at the size of them, they are a size smaller than the girl actually wears, and she starts to cry, the dad is so upset at the mom, and she shrugs it off and says i just wanted to motivate her, she can do this, and really sees nothing wrong in what she did. i was livid at this imaginary movie character! but so grateful do see that in a movie, i know people like this and it made me think long and hard about how i treat my girls, or how i would treat them if they got fat. in the process of all this dysfunctional family goes through they hire a housekeeper, who has a daughter of her own, the pyscho mom with the money loves the daughter for she is skinny, smart and thinks that this woman is great. she tricks the mom into sending her daughter to a private school for a better education, in the end of the movie, the housekeeper quits and decides she won't allow her daughter to even attend the school anymore, the daughter is crying and screaming about her life being ruined and it is all the mom's fault, after awhile, the mom says to the girl, is your whole purpose in life to turn out differently than me? this statement hit me like a ton of bricks! i was crying and i was very emotional, and i wonder if that is how my children feel sometimes. there is also a crazy grandma in the film and in the end when the housekeeper is saying goodbye and making her daughter leave the plush life behind, the grandma tells her, i have lived my whole life for myself, you live your life for your daughter, none of it works. i laughed because i realized that all my best intentions are not going to make my children have any less of a free will later on in life. ok, last one, the stupid rich wife after her mother confronts her decides to tell her husband that she has been having an affair, he walks in and she is talking a hundred miles an hour, after a few minutes, he tells her to stop and then says, i couldn't hear anything you said, the sound of the earth cracking blocked you out. ouch! i can relate, there have been many times when i feel the world crumbling beneath me and cannot hear or think clearly. so that is it, i learned so much and had the best night talking with dave about life, kids, marriage, and all of it, i even cried, which is usually dave's job in movie watching. just thought i would share i know it isn't some deep philosopher's statement or even a quote from a classic book, but it affected me all the same.


At 8:18 AM, Blogger Dakota House said...

well maybe it wasn't from a book or a philosopher, but it was pretty deep to me....


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