Saturday, April 09, 2005

Jesus Loves Me This I Know

Yesterday I asked Jesus to give me an opportunity with my son. A moment in the busyness of the weekend where Nate's heart and ears were open and I could share some things with him. A chance to remind him to set himself apart, to lean his ear to God, to make a difference for the kingdom. Nate is on a high school football team. The wisdom of football philosophy eludes me, and there are things I see in it that do not feel right. I have seen changes in my son that don't feel right, either. So I prayed for The Holy Spirit's help and He got busy. This morning at 6:45 my moment came, and Jesus was in the car with us, and it was grand. The Spirit spoke more than I did... always a good thing. Today Nate is at a weightlifting competition, showing off his muscles, yes, lifting big heavy barbells, yes, but also stretching his spiritual muscles and learning to lift Jesus high. I am a happy mama today.


At 1:34 PM, Blogger Curious George said...

I rejoice with you Jamie!

At 4:30 PM, Blogger Cosby said...

beautiful....i love how you listen, ask and he shows up.


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