Thursday, August 24, 2006

uncommon love

Today I became very angry at one of my board members. I got so angry that even as I knew I should pray about it--and for her--I just couldn't muster up the motivation to do so.

About an hour later--iPod plugged into my head--I resumed my mad obsessive cleaning and organizing of my house. I believe this relentless drive is attributed to an attempt to get efficiently prepared for being busy in school starting next week.

I'm also thinking God is using it as an opportunity to tell me stuff via podcasts, sermons, and stories.

As I pulled archaic, long-lost, and dust-smothered items from behind beds and under dressers, I listened to a story about a young Indian girl who was a friend of the man who was speaking. His series is entitled Uncommon Love. At age 14 this young friend of his was raped by four men. This assault was ultimately the cause of her death.

As the last man finished with her, she looked up at him and saw that he had sores covering one side of his face. She reached out, touched him, and prayed for him.

He was instantly healed.

This young girl's attacker is now a believer, living for Jesus.

I sat down on the side of my bed, assorted items clutched in my hands, and realized in a deep place that I have a lot to learn about love.


At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez mom, I am just trying to read a blog here, no need to ge me all emotional! (amazing story)~S


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