Sunday, August 21, 2005


Went to church today. The pastor of the church is an old friend of mine.

I wasn't all that happy about going....being that it was church and all. But, you know... the worship was good.... soaking up the presence of Jesus amidst others who love Him. And the sermon was good... full of truth about loving others the way Jesus wants us to.

But I knew there was more for me there today. Knew it down deep.

Two seconds after I asked Jesus why He had me come there today a woman whom I love approached me, grabbed my hands, and said, "Can I just pray for you? I don't know what I'll say, but...."

And pray she did. She reached way down inside her mother's heart that has shed its own tears and blood and prayed for my daughter so powerfully, so trustingly, that it brought my heart to its knees. She held me in her arms, and sang praises to God in my ear. In those few moments she loved me with her whole body and heart--full of Jesus. Full of faith.

Then my old friend the pastor slapped some oil on my forehead, laughing, saying he had been waiting for the chance to do that for a long time. Then the speaker, a man named Dallas whom I had never met, prayed against the enemy's attack on my daughter with conviction and authority, also annointing me with oil as the mother standing in place for my daughter... in agreement with a small group that gathered. Just to pray.

I was undone and filled up.

that's what I call church.


At 9:24 PM, Blogger Cory PiƱa said...

It's pretty cool, I guess.

At 9:53 PM, Blogger TonyB said...

"...undone and filled up." yep that's what fellowship should do to us.



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