Sunday, November 06, 2005

what lies within us

In my computer I have this file called 'Quotes for Story.' It's basically just a bunch of quotes I like that I will someday use in something. 'Story' being a rather loose description of whatever I am writing, will write, or hope to write.

I wanted to use this one as my quote for the day:

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
--William Morrow

The thing is, though I have had it in my file for a very long time I have never known who William Morrow is. It sounded very familiar and I just assumed he was a writer. In a Google search I discovered/remembered that William Morrow is a publishing company....duh... and there is no writer by that name. So I Googled (I love it when we acquire new verbs) 'what lies within us' and this is what I found:

The actual quote is from Ralph Waldo Emerson (no slouch) and reads as follows:

What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within us out into the world, miracles happen.

So there you have it. Ain't it the truth.


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