Tuesday, November 08, 2005

exercising my right to pray

Several times today I was questioned and then chastised on the subject of voting. Let me just put it out there for you, okay? I didn't vote today. Nope. I didn't.

And there's more. Yeah. I never vote. There I said it.

Well.... I haven't in a very long time. Because when I do it's always the same thing. I agonize over the issues, frozen at the thought of committing, never knowing for absolute sure that I am voting for what I think I'm voting for. Trying to choose the least offensive candidate is bothersome.... never do I have actual faith in anyone who's running (not since Jimmy Carter--and don't even talk to me about his 'politics' because it's his heart I admire).

So here's what I do now. I take the time it would take me to vote and I pray. I pray for our president, whomever he might be. I pray for our country, our communities, neighborhoods, leaders, schools, churches, families..... any and everyone God brings to mind.

And when I get off my knees the feeling is a gazillion times better than the one I have leaving the booth. So yeah I guess it's all about how it makes me feel. As someone I deeply respect said recently: "We all justify our actions according to our own experiences."

And so we do.


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