Wednesday, May 11, 2005

where the wild things are

when i was little, i used to love going to the library, i would devour books like they were the finest of chocolates! my mom would let me get as many as i could carry and she did this every week. i am forever grateful that she did! i remember reading where the wild things are as a child. my mother hated that book and tried to discourage me from ever checking it out, but i loved it. i was so fascinated by the fact that max could take a boat to a far away place and be truly bad. i didn't know all of the things that were happening in my life, but i always felt as if i went somewhere and was truly bad, but then i could come home and be normal again. in my mind i would tell myself that i was just taking a midnight boat ride and getting out my true feelings where i wouldn't hurt anyone, but i also was aware that the monsters i was cavorting with seemed so much bigger and meaner than i. i clung to that book, to the fact that other people seemed to write about going somewhere else, that they didn't care if it sounded weird. i escaped through books, through imagination, through thoughts, it was a saving grace in my life, as while terrible things were being done to me, i could picture myself stronger, able to do marvelous things, and almost having super powers, like the ability to not let tears roll down my face at the wrong time, i know now how much being able to picture myself far away from the situation saved my life, time and time again. i used to hate the fact that my mind worked that way, i used to be ashamed, but now i embrace it and am grateful to god that my mind did work that way. so no matter how much my mother hated that book about beasts and wild things, i will always remember it and smile


At 4:33 PM, Blogger Dakota House said...

You've given me a new look at that book, which I loved reading to my kids. Nate would beg me for it. I called him My Wild Thing.

When I read something like from you it reminds me--AGAIN--that your life has been so very hard, and you have endured so much, and I--AGAIN--marvel at the wonder of you, and what Jesus has done in you, and what He is still doing, and I am humbled. Thank you for being my friend.

At 7:20 PM, Blogger TonyB said...

I am sitting next to Jamie in her thoughts of you. I have been amazed at who you are, my dear one, and how marvelous your heart, spirit, and mind are after all you have been through. I wonder if Maurice Sendak knew of the blessing that book would bring as he illustrated such beautiful scenes. And now your words touch others, including myself, in wonderful ways. Thank you for sharing your precious life with me and others. Please greet the others.


At 7:21 PM, Blogger TonyB said...

And Jamie, that is a great picture of you.

At 2:55 PM, Blogger brad said...

Another take on wild things . .

The Peace of Wild Things -Wendell Berry

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

At 8:01 PM, Blogger TonyB said...

Great word, Brad


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